Sunday, January 26, 2014

Spring transitional essentials

Hi! I know I haven't been on here since September but truthfully nothing really interesting has happened within the span of those months. I've been extremely busy with school and work, spending many of my waking minutes studying or doing homework. yuck. But, these past few days here in the PNW has inspired me to write a blogpost.  It has been extremely nice out these couple of days and it has had me a bit confused on what to wear. Its sunny, so i immediately want pull out the light colored denim and short skirts, but its cold.  I had to do a bit of compromising by wearing something that fit my mood but would keep me warm.  That is when i got the idea of showing you guys my spring transitional essentials, winter to spring of course.
Cream sweaters: My #1 essential.  The light knit cream colored sweater will have you looking weather appropriate but also keep you warm.  I know when it's sunny out i try to stray away from the dark dreary colors i usually wear on a daily basis, when its overcast and rainy outside.  I think this is a perfect compromise from being functional and fashionable.  
Light colored booties: I could never give up my black leather booties but these light colored suede ones will for sure do with the beautiful weather.  Once again, they are functional, keeping your feet enclosed and warm, but so trendy and fashionable, with the cute cutouts and buckles.  
Light wash denim: Probably the highlight of the season change is being able to wear light colored denim again.  After a long fall and winter of wearing leggings almost everyday, GUILTY!, its nice to wear a pair of pants that is more structured and less on the darker side of the color spectrum.  
Pointed toe flats: Now that is not pouring down rain and you're not hopping around avoiding puddles anymore you can wear a more revealing shoe! Introducing.... the pointed toe flat! These can seriously dress up any outfit you wear.  I am totally excited to rock my new pair that i just got from Target. They're in black so the aren't totally out of my comfort zone.  
Neutral crossbody: Lastly, my favorite, the handbag! I've been on the search for a light, neutral colored bag, like this soft brown Chloe crossbody shown.  The color is appropriate for winter as well as spring.  When the spring months do hit i would try to transition to a statement pastel bag.  

Hope this gave you a little idea of what i will be wearing during the next few months when it is sunny out and maybe it'll help you figure out an outfit for those confusingly cold yet sunny days! I hope i will be able to get on here much more than i have, i have really enjoyed writing this post. :)

xoxo, Alice

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