Sunday, March 24, 2013

Feeling like spring!

Today was filled with shopping and catching up with a good friend.  We ventured to some of the shopping areas that are farther away from home. I didn't find many things to add to my collection but i enjoyed browsing through all the new merch stores were getting for the upcoming season.  I decided to dress for the occasion today since it was sunny out! Clear blue skies and sunshine is very rare in oregon so whenever i see the little sun icon on my local weather i get extremely excited.

I tried to dress as springy as i could but just couldn't say no to some of my darker pieces like my vest, bag and shoes. For jewelry i wore just my necessities, a watch and a bracelet.

muscle tee- UNIF (here) | vest- Forever 21 (here) | jeans- American Eagle | shoes- Converse Chuck Taylors | bag- H&M | bracelet- Charlotte Russe (here) | watch- Michael Kors 'Garrett'

xoxo Alice

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